It’s harder than we think

Grieving is already difficult enough to navigate without frustrating hours wasted tracking down all the details needed to organize affairs after someone dies. 

It’s the reason we created Matan’s Life Map: To help you lift a burden off of your family during a painful time by sharing with them in advance where to find important information they will need access to.

Looking at research data just makes it even clearer that doing so is a no-brainer. 

Some key data points and insights

  • It’s harder for longer and that’s “not acceptable” (WebMd Survey, 2019): 52% of survey responders who experienced loss felt intense grief for more than six months. That’s difficult but normal. What’s harder to hear is that 50% said they felt pressure to recover faster than they felt able. 30% felt pressured to recover within 3 months!
  • It impacts more people than we think (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020): A COVID 19 study showed that on average 9.1 family members were grieving every death. More than you would expect. 
  • It’s especially harder for those in charge (executers) (exizent annual Bereavement Index, 2021): 87% of people administrating an estate (executers) Found the process stressful. 51% of executers said that the probate process took longer than expected. 61% of women report suffering mental issues administrating an estate and that figure for men is 37%.  

There are many steps we can take to make our families’ lives easier if we are not there anymore. Our point? Matan’s life is an important part of that process and something that everyone can do, quickly and easily.