As difficult as it is for the funeral homes industry, like many other industries that are rooted in thousand years old “technology”, to adapt to the changing landscape of technology, it too, has to adapt.

Consumers expect convenience and accessibility in all aspects of their lives, including funeral planning. People are increasingly relying on technology to research, plan, and make decisions. Funeral homes that offer online tools and resources are meeting these evolving expectations, making it easier for potential clients to engage with their services, and increase Preneed meetings and sales.

Accessibility to Information

New technologies provide a platform for funeral homes to share vital information about Preneed planning, services, pricing, and options. Clients can access this information at their convenience, reducing the barriers to entry for Preneed meetings. Being able to explore details online helps potential clients make informed decisions about their funeral arrangements.

Convenience and Efficiency

Technology allows for the online scheduling of Preneed meetings, eliminating the need for clients to call or visit the funeral home in person. This level of convenience can lead to a higher volume of inquiries and appointments. Automated scheduling systems streamline the process, saving time for both clients and funeral home staff.

Personalization and Tailored Services

Advanced technologies enable funeral homes to personalize their interactions with clients. By using data-driven insights, funeral homes can tailor their offerings and communications to meet the specific needs and preferences of individual clients. Personalization not only enhances the client’s experience but also increases the likelihood of making a sale.

Transparency and Trust Building

Technology can be used to provide transparent pricing information and clear details about Preneed packages. This transparency builds trust with clients, as they can clearly understand what they are purchasing. Trust is crucial in the funeral industry, as clients are often dealing with sensitive and emotional matters.

Competitive Advantage

Funeral homes that embrace technology gain a significant competitive edge over those that do not. Clients are more likely to choose a funeral home that offers modern, tech-savvy services. In a competitive market, being technologically advanced can be a key differentiator.

Enhanced Marketing Reach

Digital marketing tools and social media platforms enable funeral homes to reach a wider audience and target specific demographics interested in Preneed planning. Funeral homes can create online ad campaigns that resonate with potential clients, driving more traffic to their websites and increasing the chances of booking Preneed meetings.

Educational Resources

Technology allows funeral homes to create and distribute educational resources about Preneed planning, the benefits of advanced planning, and grief support. Informed clients are more likely to engage in Preneed discussions, making these resources invaluable in increasing Preneed sales.

Client Engagement and Relationship Building

Technologies like AI chatbots, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, and email marketing help funeral homes engage with clients and maintain ongoing relationships. Regular communication can lead to more Preneed meetings and referrals, fostering trust and loyalty.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Technology provides valuable data and analytics that funeral homes can use to measure the success of their strategies, adjust their approaches, and continuously improve their services. By analyzing data on website traffic, conversion rates, and customer interactions, funeral homes can make informed decisions to optimize their sales efforts.

Not only can existing technology be leveraged to increase Preneed meetings and sales for funeral homes but it serves as means to help families reduce stress, gain peace of mind and remove hurdles that come with end of life situations. Here are some examples:

  • Osiris
  • Funeralocity
  • eFuneral

Personalized Mobile Apps

Offer apps such as Matan’s Life Map for Preneed clients, that helps users manage order in their finances, assets and daily practicalities, making sure that their families are taken care of, and not have to deal with lost funds.

Mobile apps offer a convenient way for Preneed clients to access planning resources and important documents, eliminating stress by making sure their families will know where all the important information is, from assets, to finances, to key people, investments and more.

AI-Powered Chatbots

Implement an AI-powered chatbot on your website and app to assist visitors with Preneed inquiries and guide them through the planning process. Offer a downloadable AI-powered chatbot for Preneed planning consultations as a digital giveaway.

Chatbots are available 24/7 to assist with Preneed inquiries, reducing the stress of waiting for business hours to get answers. Families appreciate the availability of AI-powered chatbots, knowing they can get quick responses to their questions, providing peace of mind during a time when uncertainty can be overwhelming. Here are a few chatbots you can use:

  • funeralOne Chatbot
  • Funeralocity Chatbot
  • Parting Chatbot
  • Parting Chatbot
  • MyWishes Chatbot

Online Grief Support Communities

Establish an online grief support community or forum where individuals can connect with others who have experienced loss. Invite Preneed clients to join this community for emotional support as part of their planning package. Online grief support communities offer a safe space for individuals to connect with others who have experienced loss, reducing the isolation and stress often associated with grief. Knowing that emotional support is readily available through an online community provides peace of mind to grieving families.

Customized Video Tributes

Develop a tool that enables clients to create customized video tributes for their loved ones, incorporating photos and messages. Offer this tool as a digital giveaway to Preneed clients who commit to your services.

Creating personalized video tributes is a meaningful way for families to honor their loved ones, easing the stress of traditional memorial preparations. Families find peace of mind in knowing that they have created a unique and heartfelt tribute to their loved one, bringing comfort and a sense of closure during the mourning process.

Digital Documentation and Contracts

Implement an electronic signature platform that allows clients to complete Preneed contracts and documentation online securely, providing this convenient option to streamline the planning process and reduce paperwork.

Electronic signature platforms simplify the completion of Preneed contracts and reduce paperwork-related stress. Families have peace of mind knowing that their contracts are securely signed and stored digitally, eliminating concerns about lost or misplaced paperwork and ensuring that all arrangements are in order. Two examples of online document signing tools are:

  • Docusign
  • Hellosign

Webinars and Educational Content

Host webinars and create digital educational resources on Preneed planning, grief support, and memorialization. Offer free access to these webinars and resources to engage potential clients and build trust.

Educational resources and webinars offer valuable information on Preneed planning and grief support, reducing the stress of making uninformed decisions and providing guidance. Families gain peace of mind through access to educational content, knowing they have the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about Preneed planning and cope with grief effectively.

Data-Driven Personalization

Utilize data analytics to personalize digital communications and recommendations based on individual client preferences and behaviors.

Personalized digital communications reduce information overload and stress. Clients receive relevant information tailored to their needs and preferences, ensuring they receive the right information at the right time, reducing anxiety and confusion.

Feedback Surveys and Reviews

Leverage technology to collect feedback and reviews from Preneed clients via online surveys and review platforms. Use positive reviews as digital giveaways to showcase the experiences of satisfied clients.

Collecting feedback through technology allows funeral homes to continuously improve their services based on client input, reducing stress related to concerns or issues. Knowing that funeral homes actively seek feedback and take client experiences seriously provides peace of mind.

  • Survey Monkey
  • Google Forms
  • Survey Planet

In conclusion, adopting new technologies is not just a choice; it’s a necessity for funeral homes looking to stay competitive and meet the evolving expectations of clients. These technologies provide convenience, transparency, personalization, and efficiency, all of which are essential for increasing Preneed meetings and sales. Funeral homes that embrace technology are better positioned to serve their clients effectively and succeed in a rapidly changing industry.